Saturday, 14 August 2010

老师的孩子可不是当假的~~ T>T




Friday, 13 August 2010


OH SHIT! My day starts with the bloody PSS announcement. I have been watched for almost 5 months and the teacher( what they say la) decided to punish me because I didn't do my duty by 'stalking' me to do my duty every week! OKOK fine I admit that I don't really do my job properly but I also facing problem in the library! Hey, all those brainless librarian stuck in the counter talking, there are no place for me to stand and doing my duty! They didn't duty that day yet they stay inside the counter, chatting with other the worst is some so called "dedicated librarian" EATING AND DRINKING in the counter! OMG that consider as breaking the library rules! Really totally fade out with those stupid form 1 and 2 librarians! Every day skip the class, using the name of 'duty' or 'process books' to skip classes, FREQUENTLY! Acting like they very dedicated, disciplined but actually NO! OH GOSH MY ANGER is BOILING in my brain now~~So now, me and Emily have entered the black list, if we didn't start to duty back, we are dead!

Luckily, my day didn't goes too bad....
After school sister come and pick me up, today going to pay the fares for the trip to Korea!! Excited!! Finally my wish was granted, thank God for giving me a chance to relax after my PMR! Found out that most of my friends ( KPOP) wanted to go Korea enthusiastically !! Haha too bad I going first, will tell you all how great are the people there, food and also scenery!! Other than that, seems that Cyndi will be going with my family also yeah~~ Hope she can really come, if succeed then she will be the first friend that go oversea with me haha~~ (proud to be huh ^^)

Conclusion, right now I still have few hours more before I end my day. Now the thing I left to do is to finish my Chinese class calligraphy ( HATE THAT) ><

Wednesday, 11 August 2010




Anneyeong Haseyo!11月23号我就可以去韩国了!那时候的季节还是冬季,雪白的雪景,娇嫩的梅花就要出现了,超级兴奋!不过这次去韩国还有一个‘私人的’目的,就是去音乐银行(music bank),我真的真的想看到少时,SHINee,CN BLUE, 2PM, 东方神起这些超级赞的组合!有时候还会幻想,在同一间餐厅里遇到钟炫,Yuri,容和,Nichkhun和允浩,哈哈哈有点疯狂吧,不过是真的很想咯~~希望可以在首尔待久一点,几率才高一点嘛~~



Saturday, 10 July 2010

Event over.... work havent over.... heart havent rest....

Haiz.... Circle event finally over but I still have plenty of work to do! Repackage for the logistic items and counselling packet haven't done yet and we also lack of people to help us run this event. I know that the grace of God is enough for me, but I am still kinda blaming myself for not prepare all the logistic items well. Kenny had already told me to do the logistic list but I didn't do, Kenny asked me to find logistic member I didn't find, Kenny asked me to guide them and teach them I didn't teach, gosh I really not deserve for being a logistic leader..... I am really really bad in leading people doing things and the some more are older then me, no one was listening to me when I give them instruction.

Here I will like to say sorry to few people and department:
Kenny : Sorry for bringing lots of trouble to you and because of my fault I bring trouble to the
event, sorry!

Joseph: Sorry because I do the things that you gave me late. So sorry!

Administration Department : Emily and Shu Yin, thanks for controlling the whole event well and
thanks for all of your support!

Logistic members and Station IC : Thanks for giving fully support during the event. Sorry for
giving some statement that is a bit confuse, sorry!

Monday, 5 July 2010


拜一到拜五 - 暴躁状态! (奉劝:不要惹火妈,后果自负!)
拜六到拜日 - 开心状态! (奉劝: 有任何请求在那两天问就对了!)


Friday, 2 July 2010

SMK Kiaramas K 歌之王!

今天又意想不到的结果!本来打算只是去甲洞看戏罢了,没有想到竟然upgrade到去One Utama 叻!今天虽然是在OU 但是我们把90%的时间都放在唱K的时间,整整三粒钟在兴奋的状态下唱到就要晕倒了,但是还是继续唱!哈哈哈哈,虽然有点无知啦但是还是超级开心的!第一次在Karaoke里,第一次和朋友在漆黑的房里度过了兴奋地一个下午!

一进到去欣怡就拿着遥控器死命点歌,点到在3分钟里面点了42首歌,我的天啊可是我们要在3个钟里面唱完叻,所以呢我们就把那些 ‘还好’ 的歌快转,把那些超爱的歌唱到完。最记得唱飞轮海的《出神入化》的时候超级HIGH的叻!今天我们全部荣升成为SMK Kiaramas 的 K歌之王了!有请杨恩婷,莫欣怡以及刘嘉实上台 ‘受封’ 哈哈哈哈哈(自恋狂)这天应该是我这半年最开心的日子了吧,无忧无虑, ‘与世隔绝’ 哈哈。。。

Thursday, 1 July 2010


与Emily的冷战终于结束了。。。这次真的是让我意想不到的小插曲。原本开开心心想要和欣怡一起去唱卡拉OK,没想到前天的事情差一点点就要让我们的 ‘大计’ 幻灭了!幸好今天道了歉就和好了,哪像上次那样,一冷战就1个礼拜多叻,而且还是欣怡和Emily两个一起来,我的天啊!我还想活长命一点啊!各位读者们,身为男生的我奉劝大家,千万不要和女生玩得太过火,要不然有‘冰’你受啊!冷战的感觉一点都不好!这次冷战能够那么快结束多亏Samantha和欣怡的帮忙,要不然我看我们应该一个月都不讲话的吧!

虽然冷战结束了,但是头痛的事又出现了。唱K计划也一样的宣告失败!因为Emily老豆的车竟然在这个千钧一发的时间点上。。。。宣布 ‘进院养病’ 了。所以只好在甲洞Metro Prima 走走了咯。希望明天不会有任何的突发状况吧。。。明天打算看Karate Kid, 本来我是想要去看Toy Story 3 的咯,觉得Toy Story3 的 3D 片应该会很好看吧,不是很想看打斗片,而且还是小孩子的打斗片,吸引不到我叻。。。。 可能过后就去‘撑海脚’ 吧。。。。

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

couple or don't couple?

Haiz.... Lots of my friends start to couple with girls and girls couple with boys already... Everyone look at me with a type of sight that is full of curiosity... Their sight like :" Haven't couple yet? Still single?" Enough of all these craps la!! Can't you all just give me a break?

Feeling like couple because that all my friends starts to show off front of me. Complaining about his or her relationship with the guy or girl. If you keep complaining why don't you just break up with her or him? Dumb people!

Feeling like not couple because that lots of my friends couple and their relationship ends up with broken heart..... Oh God please la! They knew that will happen to them they still want to do it! I just can't understand why they do it? They know the pros and cons of coupling on the age of an adolescent.

God please guide me and tell me the right way. Have Thine Your Own Way Lord. I will follow what You have shown to me.


今天虽然没有什么特别的事情发生,但是欣怡回来了!其实也没有‘消失’ 很久啦只是说因为这几天很想要和她一起大谈特谈谈情说案!重第一集到最后一集我们都讲到超级兴奋!我真的很庆幸因为在黑暗的中学里寻找到三道稀稀疏疏,黯淡微弱的光,但是我很珍惜他们。。。真的。。。。但是我还是觉得小学的时光才是我人生里最明亮的日子。。。。大家都不会为了一点点 的分数而争得要死,不会因为抢男朋友而大打出手!这些黑暗却在我中一的时候慢慢吞噬了我的天真思想观。。。



今天补习过后不知道为什么有那么多的感触涌上心头。想到PMR过后我会转校,Emily可能回美国,欣怡也一样会转校,可怜的Samantha啊只剩下你了叻!加油哦(虽然看不懂华语 use google translator la ) 好了咯,现在要继续努力,下一站,幸福我又来了咯!

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Love is not a mathematic and mathematic will never apeeared in love.

Bizarre feeling flowing after watching the drama, Mysteries love (谈情说案). Lots of my friends enjoy watching it, so do I. I love to watch drama, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan dramas are my favourite. This story has a very interesting story line. The very beginning of the story is quite simple. Ordinary female cop met a handsome looking scientist. Their life should be like a parallel line, no intersection happen in their life, it SHOULD be, but what is a drama? A drama is things that will never appeared in real life appeared on your computer or TV screen.

In the whole drama, of course there will be a lot of crime cases appeared because it is a cop based drama. By the way, the main 'spotlight' for this drama is the couple, Kingsley and Sai Lei Mui (below will be SLM). They look adorable when they stand together ( love it^^) . But seriously I hate Kingsley when he wanted to break up with her in the harbour. He blame the whole relationship was ruined because he calculate wrong!( Actually is because that his family disagreed of this relationship since Kingsley born in a rich and high class family while SLM born in a low class family( bloody thing!) and he is lying thats all!)What the hell is he thinking? Love can be calculate? Love can be an equation or expression in mathematics? This is so so so so so damn wrong! I really pity SLM because she is so fall to him but he just dumb her in a second because of an wrong equation. When she cry, tears drop freely from her eyes.... I feel so sad for her. I believe anyone who watched this show must be crying when you all seen this part.

Fortunately, today I have watched the ending of the drama. Kingsley propose to her on the TV. He said: " I hope I can use my whole entire life to make a time machine to bring me back to the beginning of the relationship and I hope to live with her for 70 billion of years until the sun exploded." He also said: " My fellow scientist friend, the second I born till now, I always think that every single thing in the world can be calculated, examined, logically developed, but I am wrong. The most precious thing in our life is love. Love cannot be calculated, you can only feel that in your heart."

My fellow readers I highly recommend you all to watch this bombastic exclusive interesting drama. It will plant your physic knowledge in your heart, permanently ^^. Enjoy watching.