Saturday, 10 July 2010

Event over.... work havent over.... heart havent rest....

Haiz.... Circle event finally over but I still have plenty of work to do! Repackage for the logistic items and counselling packet haven't done yet and we also lack of people to help us run this event. I know that the grace of God is enough for me, but I am still kinda blaming myself for not prepare all the logistic items well. Kenny had already told me to do the logistic list but I didn't do, Kenny asked me to find logistic member I didn't find, Kenny asked me to guide them and teach them I didn't teach, gosh I really not deserve for being a logistic leader..... I am really really bad in leading people doing things and the some more are older then me, no one was listening to me when I give them instruction.

Here I will like to say sorry to few people and department:
Kenny : Sorry for bringing lots of trouble to you and because of my fault I bring trouble to the
event, sorry!

Joseph: Sorry because I do the things that you gave me late. So sorry!

Administration Department : Emily and Shu Yin, thanks for controlling the whole event well and
thanks for all of your support!

Logistic members and Station IC : Thanks for giving fully support during the event. Sorry for
giving some statement that is a bit confuse, sorry!

Monday, 5 July 2010


拜一到拜五 - 暴躁状态! (奉劝:不要惹火妈,后果自负!)
拜六到拜日 - 开心状态! (奉劝: 有任何请求在那两天问就对了!)


Friday, 2 July 2010

SMK Kiaramas K 歌之王!

今天又意想不到的结果!本来打算只是去甲洞看戏罢了,没有想到竟然upgrade到去One Utama 叻!今天虽然是在OU 但是我们把90%的时间都放在唱K的时间,整整三粒钟在兴奋的状态下唱到就要晕倒了,但是还是继续唱!哈哈哈哈,虽然有点无知啦但是还是超级开心的!第一次在Karaoke里,第一次和朋友在漆黑的房里度过了兴奋地一个下午!

一进到去欣怡就拿着遥控器死命点歌,点到在3分钟里面点了42首歌,我的天啊可是我们要在3个钟里面唱完叻,所以呢我们就把那些 ‘还好’ 的歌快转,把那些超爱的歌唱到完。最记得唱飞轮海的《出神入化》的时候超级HIGH的叻!今天我们全部荣升成为SMK Kiaramas 的 K歌之王了!有请杨恩婷,莫欣怡以及刘嘉实上台 ‘受封’ 哈哈哈哈哈(自恋狂)这天应该是我这半年最开心的日子了吧,无忧无虑, ‘与世隔绝’ 哈哈。。。

Thursday, 1 July 2010


与Emily的冷战终于结束了。。。这次真的是让我意想不到的小插曲。原本开开心心想要和欣怡一起去唱卡拉OK,没想到前天的事情差一点点就要让我们的 ‘大计’ 幻灭了!幸好今天道了歉就和好了,哪像上次那样,一冷战就1个礼拜多叻,而且还是欣怡和Emily两个一起来,我的天啊!我还想活长命一点啊!各位读者们,身为男生的我奉劝大家,千万不要和女生玩得太过火,要不然有‘冰’你受啊!冷战的感觉一点都不好!这次冷战能够那么快结束多亏Samantha和欣怡的帮忙,要不然我看我们应该一个月都不讲话的吧!

虽然冷战结束了,但是头痛的事又出现了。唱K计划也一样的宣告失败!因为Emily老豆的车竟然在这个千钧一发的时间点上。。。。宣布 ‘进院养病’ 了。所以只好在甲洞Metro Prima 走走了咯。希望明天不会有任何的突发状况吧。。。明天打算看Karate Kid, 本来我是想要去看Toy Story 3 的咯,觉得Toy Story3 的 3D 片应该会很好看吧,不是很想看打斗片,而且还是小孩子的打斗片,吸引不到我叻。。。。 可能过后就去‘撑海脚’ 吧。。。。